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- File Count 1
- Create Date June 14, 2023
- Last Updated July 26, 2023
XPI-3128 Linux SDK (Debian9)
If the full SDK link on the left is slow to download or there are other issues, please download the following split SDK links?
SDK release link:
unzip password:geniatech1234
zip -s 0 rk3128_arrow_debian9-kernel-lk-source_20230718.zip --out rk3128_arrow_debian9_sdk.zip
unzip rk3128_arrow_debian9_sdk.zip
Configuration environment:
cd rk3128_linux
rm build.sh envsetup.sh lunch.sh Makefile mkfirmware.sh rkflash.sh
ln -s device/rockchip/common/build.sh
ln -s buildroot/build/envsetup.sh
ln -s loong/common/build/lunch.sh
ln -s buildroot/build/Makefile
ln -s device/rockchip/common/mkfirmware.sh
ln -s device/rockchip/common/rkflash.sh
source lunch.sh
./build.sh uboot
./build.sh kernel
Firmware Location: